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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Three Ways to Make Holiday Flying - and Life -More Enjoyable

Are you planning to fly this holiday season? I learn a lot by watching people in an airport. Watching someone take a trip is like watching a condensed version of life.

Going Against the Wind.
Watch people grip the armrests on takeoff. Yes, it can get bumpy - but the plane climbing against the wind. Without the wind, it wouldn't get up in the air. However, the plane goes against the wind to gain altitude. Next time you feel life is going against the wind, life your head up and gain altitude.

Turbulence Along the Way.
Life has its share of turbulence. Too many of us will look for a fresh start, a change of scenery, anything but the turbulence we're facing. Don’t go back to the airport and start over. Alter the course a little, but maintain a focus on your destination.

Get To the Airport Early.
I don’t see people smiling when they are running through airports, trying to catch flight. Filled with stress, not knowing if the airline has changed the gate number or if they have can get their bags checked on time. I see the same with business people who delay working on some projects until the last minute. Filled with stress, unsure if parameters have changed or if they can get the job turned in on time. Just get things done earlier.

Are there other likenesses between airline travel and life?

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